I zoomed through this book so quickly it's a little difficult to gather my thoughts about it. New dangers pop up, people die left and right, Chloe finally takes charge of her powers, the organization goes down ... things get crazy.

All in all, this book came to a very satisfying ending. Some things were left unexplained and others obviously left open for further books. And there is a trilogy after this one, but I don't know if I'll read it. What I really want to know is how life is like on the run for Chloe and the others. I want to see them grow together as a ragtag family. I want to see Chloe and the others learn to further control their powers. And I want to further understand the risk the kids face by having heightened powers. I want to see this series grow beyond the formulaic kids-manipulated-by-bad-organization-and-bring-it down plot. And I'm pretty sure a whole new trilogy of new kids basically going through the same things Chloe and the gang went through is going to give me what I'm looking for.
This book was definitely the best of the three, and yet it follows a similar plot to the others, with the kids in distrust of their surroundings and needing to escape the danger around them. And then, once the kids start to get into their power and the organization falls, the story ends. I feel like there's so much more that can be done with this story, to become something all its own, and yet it falls to the formula ... to start a new series that as far as I can tell follows the exact same formula, the only difference between the cast of characters, new powers, and a new setting. The sad thing is Chloe's story ends just when it seems to be starting.
I'd love to see Armstrong continue Chloe's story and take it new places. Until then, I'll leave this series here.
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