The Nine Kingdoms series by Lynn Kurland consist of three trilogies. We'll be looking at the first one, which follows the story of Morgan, a willful and stubborn sword hand, and her mage-love, Miach. Some readers encounter this series and are turned off my Morgan's attitude, finding her whiny. I liked her.
I'm always impressed when an author can write something that sounds boring - a long journey from one end of the country to the other - and make it exciting. Really, that's what this novel entails, just one long journey from the first few chapters to the last. And yet there's plenty of danger, swords, magic, and some flirtations to keep the reader entertained. The characters themselves are likable and enjoyable to read about.
And yet, in the form of a story ... there isn't much here. There's the beginnings of a romance. Morgan's identity has only begun to be understood. There's still no telling where exactly the dangers of the kingdom are coming from. And the novel just ends with the journey finished but no real resolution to anything. It's an enjoyable enough of a read, but on it's own it feels incomplete and leaves something to be desired. That said, I connected with the characters and the plot enough to want to continue the series.
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